
Takamaru is a student at the Ten Treasure Academy, living an ordinary school life, seeking romances which are constantly interfered by Shihoudou Narika (the daughter of his apartment manager). One day, he fell in love at first sight with a transfer student named Takamori Haruka. On that very night, Takamaru and Narika became pursued by a group of mysterious ninja. Just when they thought all hope is lost, Haruka appeared in kunoichi attire. Haruka referred to Takamaru as “young boss”, and asked him to do H stuff towards her. This gave her superhuman power that enabled her to defeat the mysterious ninjas.

However, this was just the beginning of a very long battle.

Choukou Sennin Haruka
Choukou Sennin Haruka
Choukou Sennin Haruka

Episode List...


Alternative title


First air date Jan. 01, 2009
Seasons 1
Episodes 3
Average Duration 27 minutes


Soukou Seiki Ysphere: Ingyaku no Sennou Kaizou
Seifuku Shojo The Animation
Aneimo (Square Sisters)
Taimanin Yukikaze
Ai no Katachi: Ecchi na Onnanoko wa Kirai… Desu ka?
Mahou Senshi Sweet Knights: Heroine Ryoujoku Shirei
Shin Ruri-iro no Yuki
Rance 01: Hikari wo Motomete The Animation
Bible Black
Nuki Doki! Tenshi to Akuma no Sakusei Battle – Revolution
Hachishaku Hachiwa Keraku Meguri: Igyou Kaikitan The Animation